人教新课标必修五Unit1Great Scientists Warming up and Reading 课件(39张ppt) 您所在的位置:网站首页 unit1great scientists 人教新课标必修五Unit1Great Scientists Warming up and Reading 课件(39张ppt)

人教新课标必修五Unit1Great Scientists Warming up and Reading 课件(39张ppt)

2024-06-24 16:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共39张PPT)Unit 1Great scientistsWarming up & ReadingLearning objectives:Finish the match work, and understand the achievements of the great scientists.Design your posters about the scientist you admire most and introduce him or her to the class.Deepen your understanding of scientific spirit and patriotism by the example of Qian Xuesen.What do you know about great scientists Try this quiz and find out who knows the most.Galileo GalileiBenjamin FranklinNewtonAlexander BellAlbert Einsteinthe theory of falling objectslightningthe law of gravitytelephoneScientists Achievementsthe theory of relativityArchimedes(287-212 BC)an ancient Greekmathematician& physicist1. Which scientist discovered that objects inwater are lifted up by a force that helpsthem float 2. Who wrote a bookexplaining how animalsand plants developed asthe environment changed Charles Darwin (1808-1882)British author of The Origin of Species3. Who invented the first steam engine Thomas NewcomenGregor Mendel 孟德尔(1822-1884)Czech (捷克人)4. Who used peas to show howphysical characteristics arepassed from parents totheir children Marie CurieNothing in life is to be feared. It is only to beunderstood.5. Who discovered radium The power of radiumThomas Alva EdisonGenius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.6. Who invented the way of givingelectricity to everybody in large cities The Inventions of Thomas EdisonPhonograph (留声机)Light bulb (电灯泡)Motion Pictures (电影)7. Who was the painter that studied deadbodies to improve his painting of people Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519)Italian artist达芬奇生理解剖图Last SupperMona Lisa8. Who invented a lampto keep miners safeunderground Sir Humphry Davy(1778-1829) BritishMiniature (小型的) Miner’s Safety Lampthe Safety Lamp9. Who invented the earliest instrument totell people where earthquakes happened Zhang Hengseismograph/ sa zm ɡrɑ f/10. Who put forward a theory aboutblack hole Stephen Hawking(1942---)BritishA Brief History of TimeInfectious diseases can be spreadto other people. They have an unknowncause and need public health care tosolve them.People may be exposed to infectiousdiseases, so may animals. Bird flu,AIDS and SARS are infectious diseases.Infectious diseases are difficult to cure.What do you know about infectious diseases Chinese legendary infectious disease expert Zhong NanshanJohn Snow defeats “King cholera”ReadingDraw a conclusionFind a problemMake a questionThink of a methodCollect resultsAnalyse the resultsPara 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6Find supporting evidencePara 7Review 7 steps that John Snow tookDraw a conclusionThey all...made a great contribution.made great achievements.succeeded in their scientific career.overcome many difficulties.common characteristicscautiouspersuasivestrictpositiveCo-operativecreativebrightenthusiasticGroup workshare your posters about the scientists you admire most.Find the best poster in your groupand make a presentation.Group workshare your posters about the scientists you admire most.Find the best poster in your groupand make a presentation.Group workshare your posters about the scientists you admire most.Find the best poster in your groupand make a presentation.My favorite scientistQian Xuesen spirit in our schoolWhat should we do Scientific spiritPatriotism-love our countryLove our school and our classTechnology develops,and the nation survives;Technology prospers,and the nation thrives.科技兴则国兴科技强则国强








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